We guide and mentor business owners as the exponentially grow their business and reduce stress at the same time. 

Trapped in a business that controls you?

 You deserve to break the chains of feeling the pressure of everything depending on you.

  We can help. For the last 27 years we have grown our own small businesses. At first, we got caught in the same trap, but with more experience we created systems to give us our lives back and we want to help you on the same journey.  

With Prevail as your guide, you will gain control of your time and business instead of it controlling you.  You will become energetic and excited about growing a business that doesn't consume you. Follow the steps below to start your journey because you deserve to experience the true freedom of owning your own business that doesn't consume you

Let's get started!

We have a free business assessment that will identify your strengths and weaknesses within your business.  The assessment dissects your business into six areas that are all critical for success. The assessment helps us work together to prepare a path to get your life back.


Take the free business assessment and review the report that will be sent to your email.


Schedule a call to discuss your results. 


Together we customize a plan to grow your business and reduce stress. 

See what others are saying!

Over the past year, Garrett's guidance has been transformative for both my business and personal growth. 


Garrett has been one of the most influential people in my life. Garrett recognized my urge and willingness to grow. He assisted me in creating best practices. Garrett has taught me to have confidence in my abilities. 


Anyone will benefit greatly by taking time to invest in themselves and work with Garrett. 


Garrett's insights and recommendations helped us see the need to change our sales and member onboarding process. Garrett has a simple and real approach to doing business.


Garrett's has the ability to identify opportunities, ask the right questions, and influence people in order to grow and develop the team instead of just solving it himself. 



Garret grew up in a family business and has since owned several business over the years.  He just exited his last business at Avail Valley.  There, he led the team to grow from $3MM to $63MM a year sales in 5 years, but the most important part is that he spent the last two years close to his wife while she battled cancer. She beat cancer and you can beat the frustrations of business ownership with Garrett by your side. 

Enter your info to get Garrett's 10 tips to scale your business without stress!

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